For years now, we have been supporting an amateur water polo team, currently playing in A2 male championship. The pool for the younger team is in “Corviale” neighborhood, in Rome. One of the purposes of this sporting club is to help young kids to develop their solidarity and sympathy values, so that they can have fun together and cultivate their sport talent. Thanks to our support, the club can apply a reduced membership fee to the young teams, appropriate for the area and the financial difficulties of kids’ families.
The Abruzzo Association “San Camillo de’ Lellis”, in its interest in assistance and solidarity programs, plans to award 5 scholarships, sponsored by Federici family, to merit scholars from Abruzzo at their junior year at University of L’Aquila and accepted at the residency “San Carlo Borromeo” in L’Aquila.
Professional Training
Our Group, in collaboration with Generation Italy, has promoted and co-financed a training program aimed at young professionals seeking jobs within the GranRoma shopping mall. The program includes three weeks of intensive training and is dedicated to young people who want to improve their skills and start a career in retail.