Fresia Group is a constantly evolving organization, in which management, policies and models, addressing for each field of our activity, are strictly defined and adopted by all our members, starting from the top management.
Since 2018, Federici Immobiliare Lavori F.I.L. S.r.l., general contractor and operating and technical wing of the company, adopted a “Model of Organization, Management and Control”, as required by art.6 of Legislative Decree NO. 231/01. The adoption of this Model promotes rigour, transparency, and sense of responsibility in internal and external relations. At the same time, it guarantees an efficient and correct management, through the introduction of useful procedures to prevent risky situations.
This Model is divided in a General Section (with the prescriptions of the Legislative Decree, functions and objectives of the Model, Supervisory Authorities and information flows, penalty system and general prevention protocols) and other Special Sections – one for each kind of crime – in which there is a list of specific crimes included in the Legislative Decree and the internal procedures to follow, to prevent the risk of committing them. Another important element is the Corporate Code of Ethics.
Federici Immobiliare Lavori F.I.L. S.r.l. has also achieved a quality management system that meets the requirements of UNI EN ISO 9001:2015 certification, valid until 2020, for the “Design and construction of civil and industrial buildings. Road construction. Execution of earthmoving and primary urbanization works (IAF 28)”, and the SOA certification, for category OG1 and OG3 charts IV. This will be updated every two years, also in view of our significant project pipeline in progress.